13 years ago


Hi ,

My FLR on Spouse Visa Expires on sunday the 20th of februaury 2010 however there is a major hindrance. I applied for the FLR initially on  20th February 2009 and now due for ILR which I need to urgently apply before my current stay ends on 20th Feb 2011.All documents are intact but one crucial one is likely to be missing-my wife!!

My wife is British and has decided to separate from me in the last minute. No reason for her actions has been given-but it is clear she does not want to do this for me to spite me nor give her consent for my application for ILR (after spouse probational 2 year stay).

I only needed her passport or birth certificate to apply in person for the interview with all needed documents intact. I am currently in employment.

I do not want to be an overstayer yet I do not know what to do. Can I apply for ILR on my own and how? Can I apply through Human Rights? Please help me as I got only 6 days to make a decision.Need to get my application in there by thursday the 17th to qualify for my terms.

Pleas is there any advise for me??? Advise on an Immigration Lawyer or firm or anyone I can talk to to help me through this case will be highly appreciated.

Is there a way I can survive this? Urgent help needed..

I have passed my LIfe in the UK test as well



13 years ago


I was just wondering if you've had any luck with your application??