14 years ago

This question was based on the previous version of the book and now dropped from the quiz.

Thanks for your feedback.

E Fidan

14 years ago
Hi Fidan
I have to say I have a lot of gratitude and respect for you. While people are making money fiercely from immigrants, you gave them information and devoted your time for free. Thank you very much!
14 years ago
Question 10: True or False

Under the British system, judges can never challenge the legality of laws but can declare it incompatible with human rights.

The answer was shown to be "False", but reading the chapter, I thought it should be true because if "If they find that a public body is not respecting a person’s human rights, they may order that body to change its practices and to pay compensation, if appropriate. If the judges believe that an Act of Parliament is incompatible with the Human Rights Act, they cannot change it themselves but they can ask Parliament to consider doing so." -under the section of The Judiciary in Chapter 4.

Question 10: True or False

Under the British system, judges can never challenge the legality of laws but can declare it incompatible with human rights.



Wrong Answer
