17 years ago

You have to read chapters 2,3,4,5 and 6

Chapter 2 topics: 4 pages covering - migration to Britain, the changing role of women, children, family and young people.

Chapter 3 topics: 4 pages covering - the population, the census, ethnic diversity, regions of Britain, relions, customs and traditions.

Chapter 4 topics: 6 pages covering - systems of government, monarchy, electoral system, political parties, being a citizen, voting, contacting your MP, the UK in europe and the world, european union, the commonwealth and the united nations.

Chapter 5 topics: 10 pages covering - housing, services in the for the home, money and credit, health, pregnancy and care of young children, education, leisure, travel and transport, ID documents.

Chapter 6 topics: 6 pages covering - looking for work and applying for jobs, training and volunteering, equal rights and discrimination, rights and responsibilities at work, workig for yourself and childcare and children at work.

Each topic has a blue checklist to make sure you have understood certain areas, the english used is easy to read and undertand and the content is well spaced too which makes it look more than it actualy is.



17 years ago
You said that 'the content is well spaced too which makes it look more than it actually is.'

The truth is that there is much more content to learn in the new materials. The new materials are 21,400 words long which is nearly 10,000 more than the old version.

If you want more information about the differences then you can get it here
