  • s.scott86
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest Topic Starter
12 years ago

Hello everyone

I really hope that someone has some advice for me. I will be applying for a tier 4 student visa in the next couple of months. I recently had some issues with my bank, as they updated their computer systems and my account went completely offline. Anyways, I had automatic debit set up for my car insurance and when the bank went through their change it disconnected all of my automatic payments, I didn't have internet banking, and my car insurance was cancelled due to the missed payment (along with many other frustrations). Needless to say, lucky me got pulled over and didn't have my insurance card on me. It wasnt until I had gotten home and called the company to get a copy of my card had I realized that my insurance had cancelled. My bank wrote the courts a letter claiming liability and they dropped the charge on Nolle Prosequi but it shows on my record. I didnt end up having to pay anything, there wasn't any court supervision, and I addressed the issue as soon as it became aparrant to me. Is this grounds for refusal of my visa? Is there anything I can do? I should have noticed it quicker but even my paychecks are direct deposit and I had zero visibility of my account for over a month. I don't have anything else that would prevent my application from being approved. A couple minor seat belt tickets... but other than that ..... I'm losing sleep over this. Any guidance that anyone can offer......
