10 years ago

I do not know of any website anywhere that says Life in the UK test is not required. Just like most immigrants, you are just looking for a shortcut somehow. Needless to say, there exists no shortcut.

Read the application forms to apply for ILR, and the guidance, and you will know what is exactly required. It is all in plain simple english.





10 years ago

Yes , anyone applying for ILR will need to pass the Life in the UK test. It is not that hard to pass. Just buy the 3rd edtion hanbook and do some mock tests online. The website has a good selection of them, I passed using it. 


Good Luck!

10 years ago

Hi, im wondering if anyone can help, as im getting mixed information.

My wifes visa exspires in january, she is going to apply for indefinate leave to remain, does she need to take the life in uk test, she is from outside the eu, she has been in the uk for over 5 years now, but we have only been married the two, as she was on student visa for the past 5 years, and then applied for spoose visa for these 2 years. but does she need to take life in uk test?, as some sites are saying no and some are saying yes.
