12 years ago
Hi Winnie,

This is one of the confusing parts of the study materials, unfortunately. The trick is that the study materials say that children can 'take up paid work (usually not before 14)' in chapter 2. However, in chapter 6 it says 'The earliest legal age for children to do paid work is 13' if they get a license from their local authority.

The two statements don't contradict eachother, although they are certainly misleading! You should read this post - confusing facts in the study materials - for more detail on this problem. There is more information there about other confusing facts in the study materials.



  • lina
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest
12 years ago
Still have no right answer?I think is 14.
  • winnie
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest Topic Starter
12 years ago
Hi there. The book says that the minimum legal age for children to undertake paid work in the UK is 14. There may be exceptions where children younger than this can work such as performing or modelling. But when I did the practice quiz and answered with 14, it was marked as incorrect and the website indicated that 13 was the correct answer. I cannot find the age of 13 referred to anywhere in the study materials? Please advise.
12 years ago
Hi Lina,

As stated on page 84 of A Journey to Citizenship, 'the earliest legal age a child can do paid work is 13.' This is a clear fact you can learn for the test.

However, you need to be careful with the phrasing of the question here. The materials also state in other places that usually children don't work before 14, There are also exceptions for some kinds of performance work. The example they give is modelling.

To give you some examples:

Q: What is the earliest legal age a child can take on paid work in the UK?
A: 13
Q: When do children usually start taking up paid work in the UK?
A: 14
Q: Can children do any kind of paid work before the age of thirteen?
A: Yes, but only modelling and other kinds of performance work.

As ever, I would recommend that you look over the post - confusing facts in the study materials - and make sure you understand all of these conflicting issues.
