16 years ago

Hi guys ,

I need some help here, been in the Uk since 2000 have 4 children born here , always worked  and I have I L Remain, last year my husband was arrestd for domestic violence and charged with 2 counts of assault, as a result I had to go and I moved to a women refuge with the children. Ever since I am on income support as the place is 40 miles from where my work was...I just managed to enrol full time at University.

 my question is will my income support affect my application? I don't really want it but the job centre says that as a 'single mother and full-time student I am entitled to it and they need to pay'

who should I contact? NCS said just by being higher education student should be enough and I should not worry?

please any ideas on how I could be affected?


16 years ago

You hold indefenite leafe that means you got (right of abode). Your alowed benefits. Dont wory only for poeple that dont hold ILR that is not alowed to receive benefits off any kind. Remeber most poeple on here are only aplying for ILR as the law now states that you must do your Life in the uk test before getting your ILR. Do your test and youl be fine you got( right of abode) it means you got the same right as a british person. So dont worry you are not doing anything wrong. Were if you were on a work permit you would get kicked out.