16 years ago
Hi, fixed penalty charges do not affect your application of naturalisation. Good luck.

16 years ago
Thanks for the quick reply...it lessened my anxiety. coz everytime i phone the HO they say i might get refused. but i'm willing to gamble for my daughter's sake. thanks again
16 years ago
There is no bloody way they could refuse your application just because you had some traffic offences, especially fixed penalty ones.
16 years ago
Thanks! you're giving me so much hope.....I'll post my application on friday.
  • malikw
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16 years ago

I am not sure but 35 can be a fixed penaly but I dont think 200 is a fixed penalty. There must be more to it, then again I don't live in London so who knows that Fixed penalty probably can go to 200. 

Second thing is if you don't know Home Office Amir! Welcome to UK.  They don't really need a bloody way to refuse the application. Look they have refuse the application of Harrods owner Mohamed Al-Fayed.

All I can suggest you is to use an advisor or a solicitor as Home Offic eis using every excuse to refuse th eapplication now days.  No way similar to 2-3 years ago.  Remember, this is most important application of your life so don't ruin it because of few minor mistakes.

Good Luck

15 years ago
There is a difference between committing a traffic offence and being criminally convicted in a court. I think I know the home office enough by now and know exactly what they look for to refuse one's application. If they start refusing applications based on minor traffic offences and assuming that 90% of all applicants have driven in the U.K for at least a year or two, one can do a simple calculation of the percentage of refusals in a year which is simply not the case. As far as Fayed is concerned, only if all the applicants are all rich and famous like him and not forgetting ''controversial'', I won't be surprised if they keep rejecting their applications.
Rest assured, nothing to be afraid of if you have ''minor'' traffic offences!!!
15 years ago
hi got 2 traffic offences...1 with 35pounds fine and the other with 200pounds....any possibilty they can consider it as a minor offence for application of naturalization? thanks