14 years ago

You can use one form for a joint application by you, your partner and any children aged under 18, if they are applying as your dependants. Children over 18 must apply separately.


14 years ago
Hello Saran,
Thanks for the information.

any guidance on other points mentioned would be helpful.

14 years ago
Hello All,
Thanks a lot for providing info on this forum. i was very impressed with the kind of information people are giving here either from their experiences or from what they know.

In the hope that i will also get some insights into this process i am posting some questions here.

I will be applying for ILR in May 2011 and my wife and my daughter will be applying along with me at the same time.

- Do they have to fill in separate forms for ILR or will there be entry in my form?

- How tedious/ tricky is the form to fill? i will be downloading the forms soon to have a look.

- In the PEO office can i pay fees by debit card?

- My Work permit was granted on 15th Jun 2006 and i traveled to UK on 3rd Aug. the guidelines say that you are eligible after 5 years of from when you granted your LEAVE TO ENTER. Now will i be qualifying to apply from 14th May or 3rd Jul? My work permit will be expiring on 14th Jun 2011 so how does this work and is LEAVE TO ENTER means the date from when your visa was valid or the date when you first traveled?

- What kind of letters i have to get from my employer? will the letter stating that i am working with in particular capacity will suffice?

- If there was some work related travel then should i get my employer to state the same in the letter?

- What all documents other the passports, photos, salary slips, p60, bank statements i have to provide? do i have to submit the marriage certificate, birth certificate, mortgage statements etc?

thanks a lot for taking time reading this. I look forward to get some inputs on the points above.
