  • josias670
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest Topic Starter
14 years ago
I would like to thank the adminestrator and everyone for all thier help over the last few years. I got my Ceremony on the 24th of this month. I am maried to a British girl. The only thing i would like to say to people is that when your married to a british person make sure you know what she can claim as far as benefits goes because it can be very misleading. With my married visa i had a letter that said neither you or spouse could clam benefits. Well that was incorect. As that letter is talking about a spouse off a person on a visa. When I rang ukba I was told by the person that my son that is british could not claim child benefit as it's not the child but the parents that claim it. But my wife is british so she can claim. I didn't realise this till I got my ilr. So please guys find out what you are entiled to, you for your circemstances. Becuase the letters are standered for all marrige visa's.  