There are certain conditions where you do not have to take the test but having a degree is not one of them (from the UKBA website):
You will not have to meet the KOL requirement if you are being granted settlement outside the Immigration Rules, or if you are applying for settlement as:
- a Foreign and Commonwealth citizen on discharge from HM Forces (including a Gurkha);
- the husband, wife or civil partner of a Foreign and Commonwealth citizen on discharge from HM Forces (including a Gurkha);
- a victim of domestic violence;
- the bereaved partner (husband, wife, civil partner, unmarried partner or same-sex partner) of a British citizen or someone who was settled here;
- a parent, grandparent or other dependent relative of a British citizen or someone who has settled here (under paragraph 317 of the Immigration Rules);
- a retired person of independent means;
- a European national or the non-European family member of a European national, making an application under the Free Movement of Persons provisions (not based on the Immigration Rules);
- a Turkish businessperson under the European Community Association Agreement (ECAA) with Turkey;
- someone who has spent five years in the UK with permission to stay as a refugee;
- someone who has spent six years in the UK with discretionary leave;
- someone who has spent four years in the UK with exceptional leave to remain;
- someone who has spent five years in the UK with humanitarian protection; or
- a dependent child of someone in an employment category that preceding the points-based system (listed in paragraphs 128-193 of the Immigration Rules, excluding paragraphs 135I-135K) or of someone who is here as a businessman, self-employed person, investor, writer, composer or artist (paragraphs 200-239 of the Immigration Rules). This includes children who are 18 or over when they apply.
However, you will need to demonstrate your knowledge of language and life in the UK if you later apply for British citizenship, unless you are exempt for other reasons. For more information, see the Citizenship section.
E Fidan
Edited by user
14 years ago
Reason: Not specified