Thanks Roy Lyons, i was half sleep when i typed it, Just done the spell check, hopefully it make since now,
Sorry for the terrible spelling please ignore the top post , i tried my best to explain my situation ,
There is my case, am going to all small details so you can give advice
first I came to UK 2003 on visitor visa, overstayed my visa, solicitor got me and my wife permission to get married in the UK in 2010 from home office, at the time because I overstayed my visitor visa home office kept my passport after granting COA form , me and my wife had daughter born one year before we got married, 2009, after I got married seen solicitor to help me sort my immigration status the best advice he give me to go back to my home country and apply for entry clearance as spouse of British citizen, so I called home office and requested my passport to go back home, so they ask me to go to London bridge were I can obtain it took my finger print and give me passport to bay fly ticket and asked me to return it and I will pick it up the day I fly from airport, that wasn't problem so I did, 20 November 2010 went back home with my wife and applied for spouse visa, after 3 months visa refused , appealed from inside UK then appeal was dismissed, asked for permission to re appeal permission was refused by first tier tribunal, so sent to upper tribunal were permission to re appeal was granted , then on the appeal , my appeal was granted under immigration rules and under human right, that's all my past immigration history,
my wife been working since 2010 then 07/2013 changed job while she was 4 weeks pregnant she wasn't entitle for maternity pay from her work recording to their policy they give her forms to sent job centre to claim Statuary Maternity allowance so she was entitle for it, now her Statuary maternity allowance stopped after I think 42 weeks or some fink like that she is not working she receive working and child tax credit my name on the form but she get pay not me and she claim child benefit, would all this be problem for my ILR?
Now, spouse visa was granted 04/07/2012, expired 04/10/2014 total 27 months, I arrived to UK 06/07/2012
I believe that I be ok applying under the old rule except need the new Koll,
Could you advise me witch document from the list best to use, so far I have this document
1- Gas & electric bills (join names)
2-join bank statement (join names)
3- Council tax (join names)
4- Tenancy agreement (join names)
5- Rent statement (join names)
6- My daughter nursery invoices (join names)
7- TV license (wife name)
8- pay slips ( me ) till present day as am working fulltime but 0 hour contract as security officer
9- Pay slip (wife) from 04/2012 to 03/2013
10- P60 2012/2013 (me and wife)
11- NI letter (me)
12- P45 (me and wife) from previous work
13- Statuary maternity allowance letter from job centre (wife)
14- Letter from HM Revenue about Tax code (me and wife 0 letter to each of us
15-watter bill (me) just asked water supplier to add wife name on the bill
16-child benefit letter (wife)
17- Letter from HM to me and wife working and child tax credit
18- Mobile phone statement, (me)
19- Letter from SIA authority returning my document when I applied for SIA license (me)
20- Just moved to new home letter from my new electric supplier EDF (me and wife names)
21- Letter from my work (me)
22- My work contract 0 hours contract
23- Life in the UK pass certificate
24- English certificate B1 LEVEL
Sorry it's too much to read but could you find any Complex maybe my previous immigration history or my wife claims
Please advise, many thanks,
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9 years ago
Reason: Not specified