17 years ago

I don't know how it will affect your chance of getting naturalization but I do know that if you lie on your application about anything then you have pretty much kissed your chances good bye. 

If you lie about one thing & the immigration people find out, they will probably wonder if you are lying about other things.  Best thing to do is to be up front about everything on your application.

If they need to talk with you about anything they will contact you & then you will have a chance to tell the whole story.  In fact I believe on that application there is a place stating that you can explain situations in full detail.  

I think if I were you, I'd find a different accountant, especially if your wondering if what he/she is telling you right or not.

With rules & regulations being really tight for everybody, best thing is to follow them right down to the very last letter.


17 years ago

i asked this question to the people on the Nationality advice line and to the lady in NCS Service they said that i have to mention all the civil or criminal convictions....and also in the form they ask for civil judgements made against you but the payment default is not the judgement .........judgement is always made by the judge in court and when the judgement is made by court judge then payment default become CCJ. its only a payment default as any one can get this by missing few payment of any thing or when they cant keep up with payment according to the signed credit agreement. 

do you think because of this Home Office will refuse my application.

your thoughts please as this is very important .
17 years ago


my nationality been approved in nov 2007...... now i am in recipt of british passoprt as well........ as far as bad debts are concern there is no problem and one should not get worried just because of bad debts (payment defaults .. ccjs .. late payments etc..) as i had some bad debts not yet cleared but my nationality was approved:-)
17 years ago

Can some advice me on if the payment defaults can affect the naturalization process ??

as there was a question in naturalization form regarding the civil convections and my answer to that question was no and i have few defaults...i spoken to accountant and he advice me to put no as i never been to court and the defaults are not issued by the court its only the companies you own the money ... is this true ?? yours thoughts please...