18 years ago
Did you not read the study materials here? They are copied from the book and that was all you needed to read.

Even though you have not read the material you are likely to past the test if you scored 90% on our sample test. However you can always have suprises and I personally would not recommend taking the test without reading the book at least once before the sample tests and once after it.


E Fidan
18 years ago
Well there are quite a few mistakes in the book itself, which can confuse the people, whose English is not the first language.
18 years ago

Hi Lora!

Fidan, is totally right. If you haven't bother to read the book, how on
earth do you think you will pass the exam? I have 95% 100% in most of the test
that I have tried on the forums and other web pages. and as John says, there
could be big surprises on the day of the exam! You never know, it could be easy
or difficult.

When I sat for the exam there were other people who seem confidents to pass
the exam...surpise,surprise,they did not pass.Their comment where "I was
confused about the questions") Sorry it could go one way or another.I have pass
the exam a few days ago and still got questions that need out of
interest I'm still reading it.I found it very interest and a good way to
challenge the British people, they don't know the answers.If I where you I would
do as Fidan said.

good luck
18 years ago

Thank you very

Yes, you are absolutely right.

I haven't read the book but I have read
the study material here which has been the same.

Today I pass the test for almost 5 min.
It was more easyly than I expected. The practice tests here are very helpful but
aren't enough for passing the test. You HAVE TO read the study material here or
the book. This is my advice to all new people in the forum.

And again BIG THANK YOU Mrs. & Mr.
Fidan for creating this wonderful site. Without your help and effort it would be
much more hard people to pass the test.

All the best.

Regards, Lora
18 years ago


Can anybody tell me if I pass Practice Tests on this website more than 90% it means I'll pass the real test? (I haven't read the book 8-.)

Will I need to read the book for passing the test?

My test is tommorow mornig and I don't have time for this. Or it's better to cancell the test?
