  • malikw
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest
18 years ago
Definitely Read all chapters, don't take the shortcut. First, they are not very big chapters, second its your money on the line. YOu should read all three chapters at least twice and do all the quizes here.

Don't be in a hurry to take the test. Test can wait extra two days or a week. You definitely don't want to riskanything.  Most likely you will pass with a shortcut but it will be a miracle. My Suggestion Don't try a miracle.

Hope this convince you to do one way or the other
18 years ago

dear waheed malik:

thank you very much and i will take time to read it all.
18 years ago

Hi there!

I am thinking about take the text shortly but not sure if i do need to read each chapter of the book or just point in chapter 2,3,4.

that will be very helpful if anyone can give me an information.

thank you so much!