  • malikw
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest
18 years ago

In the past few weeks I also realized that I do want to help
but my answers were not accurate in some cases. However, we were able to
correct them with the help of people like P Pron and Mr. G and I am thankful to
them for increasing my knowledge.  I have
seen answers from P Pron and they are very accurate and properly
interpreted.  I am so glad that P Pron has filled the gap that was needed
at this site. My knowledge is being increased everyday reading the answers from
P Pron and Mr. G.

Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule and
answering our questions.

18 years ago

We all learn something new everyday. Nobody knows everything.I make many mistakes. To err is human.If we learn from our mistakes, then it hasn't been all bad.

If we all share our little bit of knowledge, we all learn.

My husband is going to sit the test in the near future, so good luck to him and everyone else about to do the same

PS. I posted previously on his login  as he had been sitting the practise test on this site. Sorry for the confusion. Mr G was actually Mrs G 

Mrs G
18 years ago

The world is full of good people, great humanitarians that really care, people who go out of their way to make a difference, M B Fidan, Life in the UK Admin, Waheed Malik, P Pron, Mr G, stand out in the crowd, they are unique.

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