  • malikw
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18 years ago

As for the documents that you need to send them is your Passport/Travel Doc and Birth/Marriage certificates. Read the instructions carefully on the application form and if you are going through local council then you don't have to send them anything just take it to the council and they will take care of it. I doubt if they will accept your CRB and Police check, as far as I know they do their own. Did someone told you to get CRB and police check. If someone did let me know because they might have change the requirement.  All I had to supply was my addresses for last 5 years and passport/Certificates. I had the CRB check from a college but I did not supply it.

18 years ago


you dont need to do police cheack ,they will carry the cheack by themselfe, for my self i didnt do that and my applcation approved by 2 weeks.

good luck with them
18 years ago


Yesterday I submitted my application through Nationality Checking service.They wanted only following documents:

original Passport,original test result,home office fee and council fee.(They took the passport photo copy) thats it! We dont need any other documents.

No photos,No proff of ID!!

Good luck
18 years ago
thanks guys
But the last poster just confused me
what do u mean by HOME OFFICE FEE and COUNCIL FEE
I thought its just one payment to the council which is processing my application----------------£35
unless you guys know something that i dont
  • malikw
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18 years ago
No need to get confused

There is a Home office fee of £268(May vary in different situation) for Nationality. You weren't
expecting everything to be done in £35.  That will be a great bargain
but there is not bargain hunting with Home office.

You may get away with £35 but not £268
18 years ago


Home office fees means the fee you have to pay for your application payble to Homeoffice.Counsil fee means the fee for Nationality checking service.You have to pay separatley.

I applied jointly along with my wife.So I paid the fees :


Counsil       :£50   for joint application.This should clear your doubt!

Good luck

  • raiden
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18 years ago

is it compulsery to pay council fees?

I really didnt know it will cost more then £100 to send the damn application off!
18 years ago
Hello everyone,

I'm confused too. I passed my test a few weeks ago and I filled the AN form. I know i need to send my passport and life in the uk certificate but do i also have to get letters from my previous employers to proove that I have been living in the UK more than 5 years?? This will be just impossiible for me!

(I'm applying on the basis of having lived in the Uk for 5 years)

  • malikw
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18 years ago
Raiden Khan wrote:

is it compulsery to pay council fees?

I really didnt know it will cost more then £100 to send the damn application off!

Not at all. Council fee is not compulsory. This is for people who cannot fill the form, or don't have time to go and make copies, or don't want to read the instructions on the form, or they want to keep their original documents.

Anyone can do this by themselves but depending on their situation and understanding of the process. Average person can do this by themselves but do not attempt it because of the above reasons I mentioned. Home offic edoes not force you to go to council to fill the application but their are benefits to it.

All services require fee if you want to utilize it. Emergency passport fee is much more then regular passport fee but efforts in producing passport are same. So if you want to use the facility, you need to pay up or don't use it.

I personally think it is a very reasonable fee, eventhough I did not use my council services (35 pounds) and did it by myself.  For which they kept my documents for two months and processing took approximately 4 months. Council service userhave completed process in less then a month in some cases
18 years ago
You can either show 5 years of payslips, but have to have literally every single payslip for every month of the last 5 years, or you can use your P60s
18 years ago
hello guys
i am about to send my application (through my local council) and i am wonder what sorts of documents do the IND wants to be sent to them
I tried to make a follow up on CRB check but i was told it will take 8-11 weeks
then i was told that i should get a POLICE CHECK at a cost of £10 ....
I am currently a uni student so what else do i need to send apart from aletter from Uni and Travel Document?