  • malikw
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest
18 years ago
Don't Panic!!!

Test is a piece of cake if you have done everything as suggested here.  No one can help you other then telling you what you should have done in the past week. If you have done that then you have nothing to worry about.

If you have done all the practice test and read the chapters at least three times then you should be fine.  If not do it as soon as possible and read chapters one more time before going to the test. You have plenty of time before Wednesday. All you require is about 8 hours of study.

18 years ago


Thank you for your reply. I'm a bit calmed now; so back to studying!!-)

Thanks again
18 years ago


I have passed the test recently & believe me [and Waheed ofcourse 🙂 ] that this is a piece of cake.

Do not panic & remain calm.

While studying, make a note of the statistics like % of minorities, population in UK, dates, how many days are bank holidays, etc.

Try memorising them. The other bits are easy.

If you are able to get correct scores on the practise tests on this site then you will pass.

Again, relax....think of the worst case will just lose some money if you fail. Thats all. Noone will stop you from appearing again....which will not be needed anyways :)

Best wishes. Come back again on Wednesday to say you passed :D
18 years ago


My test is on Wednesday. And I'm soooo worried and scared!! Eeeeekk...

What should I do? Whoever passed the test I need your help!!

Do you think you can help me!!!
