  • malikw
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16 years ago
Lets just say the test is not simple but the question they ask are only from few chapters of the book. Take the test before they start adding more chapters. If you have read the book and prepared yourself then everything is easy and they give you the answers, all you have to do is select the correct answer. In some cases you will be able to guess the correct answer too.

As far as I know Home Office people are most incompetent and slow and it will take them ages to create a new test. So don't worry they are not changing the test any time soon. If you can't do anything right, Home Office is the place to work.

  • mdh
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16 years ago

Hi Waheed,

Many thanks for your advice that's what I've been doing and soon I'm going to take the Test, wish me all the best. Hope to come back here and say my thanks to you and every one who have contributed on this site which is fantastic and realy helpful.

Thanks in advence to Admin did great job.

  • mdh
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16 years ago

Hi Waheed,

Well! Thank you brother Waheed, Admin and everyone who contributes on this site as I said once I sit my Test I'll come back here, so today is the day. We all passed the Test, my wife and my older son we did it today morning at same time, took long time for preparation at the centre than sitting the Test. We finished within 7mins but you have to wait until someone comes to you and close it officialy. Anyway done and now its time for Naturalisation.

I suggest as Waheed and many people did, read the book either here or if you like to buy it, do practice test more often once you are satisfied book your test and that's you.  

My Best Wishes to all who are preparing for the Test, don't get nervous you can do it as my wife was nervous but she did it and she said it was easy! 

  • mdh
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
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16 years ago

Hi guys,

I just need to know from everyone who did the Test, is there any question they ask not been mentioned in the book or to test your IQ.

Cos I've read many peoples' opinions and they say the Test is simple any one who've read the book can pass, but my concern is they sometime may have thaught well people mention its easy why not try otherway round.

Any reply will be appreciated.

Best Regards