18 years ago
I have just found out that it is the ESOL test which you may or may not appear, but you do have to do the "life in the UK test". So...

I'm going back to do it.



  • malikw
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  • Guest
18 years ago
Very impressive education and life long acheivements but as you found out you still have to take the test. No one with your qualification is exempt.

As I have expressed before that this test have less to do with knowing English Culture and English language and more to grab £34 from your pocket.
18 years ago
While browsing through (sorry cannot remember where it was), I found out that every one does not have to go through the test. Do I come under this catagory:

1. I am living in the UK for the last 8 years, never been outside the country

2.  I am highly qualified(M.Phil. degree)

3. I am working

4. My children doing very well where ever they are, eg; my daughter is 16, but in university already doing degree in pure Maths.

5.I know everything about life in the UK.

6.My education throughout is in English medium.

Can you please reply me accordingly,
