18 years ago 

You can change your name by Deed Poll or Statutory Declaration.  Do
your research on the internet before you do anything.  Find out which
method is best for you.  (For example, my home country requires a
Statutory Declaration before they will issue a new passport in the new
name.)  Deed Polls can (optionally) be lodged as a permanent record
with the Central Office of the Supreme Court -- but only if you're a
British or Commonwealth citizen.  It is not at all necessary to 'enrol'
your Deed Poll this way, but might be useful.  In other respects, a
Statutory Declaration may be simpler.  In either case, the document
doesn't have to be lodged with any government office or court; you just
need to keep a copy that you can produce when needed. 

Technically, you can change your name simply by using a new name --
but, in reality, banks and government bodies will want to see written
evidence.  The Deed Poll and the Statutory Declaration are the best

**Beware** of websites offering expensive Deed Poll services.  There is
nothing they offer that you cannot do yourself for free, if you take
the time to read up on the matter. 

The website I've given you has the exact form of words that you'll
need, if you want to change your name by Statutory Declaration.  All
you need to do is cut and paste the pro-forma into a word processor
document, format it, and then take it to a solicitor to sign for a
small fee.  Might be useful to sign a couple of copies all at once. 

I changed my name by Statutory Declaration (hyphenated my surname with
my grandfather's surname), and it cost me just £10 -- the fee the
solicitor charged to sign my documents.  Of course, I had to spend a
little extra time and money changing my passport and advising various
banks and utilities -- but this was not very expensive. 

Good luck,


18 years ago
Quick follow up.  The following website has free instructions and a free template for changing your name by Deed Poll (rather than Statutory Declaration, which the other site had).  To repeat:  you need not go to a solicitor to have the document drafted, nor pay any service to draft it.  It all can be done for free.
18 years ago
hi all , well just wanted to ask if is it possible to change my hole name and use my grand fathers name who past away