18 years ago


I am having my test on Thursday... I bet they formulate some questions in a tricky way, probably to check if you have command of the language.

But they should check all the innacuracies in that book first! I have been studying the book and find it quite straight forward, but still you need to learn. I also found several innacuracies, especially in the history chapter... like Ireland being part of Great Britain, which it isn't, or Queen Mary came to the throne in 1553 with the help of Spain??!!! Yeah right! And Charles II came back from exile in France, he was in the Lower Countries in exile not in France! oh dear, oh dear!


  • raiden
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest
18 years ago

OMG  whtever eduardo posted about the questions... do they actually come in the test cause their well hard :O

anyways guys can you tell me if its vital to learn the dates given in the book and this site?
18 years ago

Hello All,

My husband Colin and I, who have been faithfully visiting this fantastic website for the past month, took our tests and passed this afternoon!

We just wanted to thank all those of you who are responsible for running this brilliant website. The information you provide is helpful, valid and extremely reassuring, not to mention really efficient at preparing us for the Life in the UK test. Keep up the good work!

We did want to mention a couple of things about the test which may help some of you as you prepare.  Firstly, we recommend you use the 'mock/pre-test' session before doing the real thing at the test centre to familiarise yourself with the interface generally. Secondly, and more importantly, we did encounter a couple of tricky questions, the answers to which were not obvious straight away. Read them again and again and use elimination to get to the right answer.

Good Luck everyone!!! It really isn't all that difficult at all. smile

Royona & Colin

18 years ago
You know any free test paper site?