18 years ago

HI Alos,

I would use the latest form which is the one currently accepted by the Home Office. But this is a personal advice. I am about to apply as well through Nationality Checking service and I downloaded the form from the IND website. They will only need to check it and copy my passport. Thanks.



18 years ago
Thanks Emil. I was just wondering since the nationality checking services are using the old form whether there was a transitional period where both forms are accepted.
18 years ago


I also had a similar situation where the NCS service of a council firstly asked me to get the new forms, but later on confirmed that they had been informed by the Home Office that all applications submitted through NCS for Naturalisation in the month of January, can be made on the AN (New) form. Councils offering NCS are given January as the grace period in which both the old form AN (New) and the new form AN (TD) can be used.

I also called up the Nationality Directorate and was told that the old AN (New) forms are being accepted.

I also submitted our Naturalisation application using the AN (New) forms only and got the acknowledgement that the application has been received and is being processed. Now the wait begins for the magical 'approval letter'.

All the best.


18 years ago

Thanks a lot Navneet. That is a big relief. I now called the council and they confirmed that both forms are acceptable.

All the best for you as well for what I hope to be a short wait before you get the positive letter. Keep me informed when you get the good news. When did you submit yours?


18 years ago

I have submitted my application Yesterday(16/01/2007) using the NCS. I have used the old AN form provided by the council. They reconfirmed that it is OK to use that form and that they will submit my application today to the home office by special delivery.

Now the wait starts for me. I hope it is not a long one.


18 years ago
Application recieved in Liverpool on 18/01/07. Acknowledgement letter dated 24/01/07 recieved today. Hope the positive letter follows soon.
18 years ago

Hi Alos,

We got our approval letter dated 30 Jan 2007 yesterday 05 Feb 2007 🙂.

A quick question to any body, the letter from home office says that I should not contact the local council to find about the ceremony date etc.. I am told in the letter, that I should get an invitation letter from my local council and only after I get the invitation letter should I contact the local council. Also the approval letter from home office says - If I don't get the invitation letter with in two weeks from the date of the approval letter, I should call Home Office Nationality Directorate in Liverpool. Is this normal? Would it make sense for me to call my local council and enquire about the citizenship ceremony date etc.

Help much appreciated.

Kind regards

Navneet S Bhatnagar

18 years ago

Congratulations Navneet!!!!!!!!

No dont call the local council. You will recieve your invitation letter within a week. The Home Office will send your certificate to the council first before sending you the invitation letter to contact them.

When did you make your application?

18 years ago

Hi Alos,


I will not call up my local council as suggested 🙂.

We submitted our application through NCS on 20 Dec 2006 and it started the journey (at as per my phone call with Home Office) in the week starting 2nd Jan 2007 🙂. So we think we are very lucky with a relatively rapid decision 🙂.

Now the wait begins for the Invitation letter and the ceremony etc. etc.



18 years ago

I have an appointment with the local authority council for nationality checking service next tuesday. I have asked them to send me a citizenship application form. I recieved their form today, but it is different from the new form in the Home Office web site. They sent me the old AN form. I compared their form with the one on the home office site. The two forms are similar in every other aspect except two things:

1) There is no space for children's names in the new form in the HO web site as now they are asking a seperate form for every applicant including children included in their parent's application.

2) The second difference is that the new form asks that the applicant attach a photo with the form and that one of your refrees is to be a person of professinal background.

Can I use the old form that the nationality checking service of my local council sent me or will that harm or delay my application?

I am applying for my self with no other family member included in my application.

Is there a transitional period where both forms are acceptable?

Help appreciated.