18 years ago

Most , if not all, computers have a facility to change the size of the text you view/type. I would ask before you sit down to do your test if the person responsible would change the computer settings for you. It can be changed in 'display properties'

I know many people with poor vision and  are classed as partially sighted who have succesfully undertaken computer courses using the large text profile

Good luck with your test

18 years ago
thanks so much!
  • malikw
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18 years ago

If you are not comfortable, I suggest that you postpone
your test and when you feel better then book it again. My test center will not
charge anything if you cancel it in a day advance so check with yours. They may have a different policy.

There are options to change the fonts size on the screen but
I am not sure if it will also apply to the test. You do need to check with the centre to make
18 years ago

According to the IND website -
"...test centres can cater for applicants with a range of disabilities, for example limited mobility and visual impairment.."

So I don't imagine Anne will have a problem, although it might be an idea to call first, in case they need advance notice to set up the terminal.

The quoted sentence, incidentally, is buried in a paragraph which I believe has been amended recently, providing clarification on the IND policy on exempting people from taking the test. I don't think the policy itself has changed, but the guidance is much clearer.


18 years ago

I spoke to the test centre upon your advice and you are right, they were very friendly and told me that it was no problem to take it in a large print format.  So hopefully all will go well tomorrow and I will pass! Thank you for the help.
18 years ago

good luck Anne :-)
18 years ago

I have just learned that I must have surgery on my left eye tomorrow, and my test is Wednesday.

Is there a way to make the size of the print bigger on the computer? or is there a test for those with bad vision?
18 years ago
I passed ! Hurrah.  The test centre could change the size of the font very easily for me and were very helpful.  You can also have headphones and listen to the questions as well if you prefer.