18 years ago
I dont know. I suggest that you make contact with the Home Office and get advice. I think it can be difficult to get ILR for a 19 yr old child.

  • malikw
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18 years ago

Only issue is your son is an independent person and is not your dependent on you. If he wasn't working and was still dependent on you or studying then he might had a chance.

I suggest that you contact a solicitor in your case or call Home Office Telephone line. Home office consider every adult (18 and Over) as independent person unless you can show that he is still dependent on you.


18 years ago
I am a nurse on a work permit. i will be able to apply for ILR in may 2007, my main worry is for my 19year old son who came to this country 4 years ago as my dependant, will he be able to apply for ILR same time as me? His visa will expire in july 2007. he still lives with me, and is working using his dependant visa. Thanks in advance for your help.
Mrs Charimba

18 years ago
Thanks for your advise, will contact home office.