
  • malikw
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest
18 years ago
This is another tools for discrimination against people of other countries.  The reason I said this is: I am very familiar with this procedure being US Citizen. Every time a Muslim or an Arab try to go through the security at the airport, they take them aside and tell him that you are the 5th person and our policy is to check every fifth person thoroughly.  Same thing will happen in Passport cases because no one will have any records if they are doing it properly or not.  This is same as ORGANISED DISCRIMINATION.
18 years ago

I disagree with your statement Waheed. All first time applications for a british passport will have to have an interview.

In the near future, all passport renewals and first time applications, whether you are  originally from another country or not, will have to attend an interview and have fingerprints taken and other means of recognition will be documented.

It is not discrimination, more like George Orwell's 1964....Big Brother IS watching. They will know where we are, where we travel to, how long we stay,.....everything they want to know. Next thing will be micro-chipping babies at birth V-.  , where will it all end, what happened to freedom?

We won't need identity cards then will we, in a round-a-bout way the government is getting exactly what they wanted.
18 years ago
Did anyone else hear the news from the home Office this morning, that all passport applications will need a face to face interview? Apparently it is a measure to guard against identity fraud.