15 years ago

I've checked the webpage and from what I can see the owners of the page ("Salman Akram" & "Anish Mani") are asking for a minimum amount of £100 donation. I have no problem with this apart from the fact that Immigrant welfare is a registered commercial business and any money go in (whatever good intention the owners have) will not be a donation, it will be an income. There is a refund policy on their forum (your money will be returned after deducting expenses) however this also is very open ended as there is no say from supporters on what is and is not a 'legitimate expense'. Being a limited company you may also become insolvent if you have spent all the money.

I certainly sympathize with their intentions however do not agree the way it is done and therefore cannot allow it through this page.


E Fidan

15 years ago

hi all

are there some people who are on workpermi and had received their workpermit before 6th April 2006 if so would you consider joining the good caus as the immigrant welfare has found a excellent barristor and solicitor to take on the case and proceed to the court but at the movement the big prevention is the lack of fundings

please be sincere to yourselves and your families make this happen even if we don't have great chance of winning

the website is stated below bear in mind the dots are missing as i have problem with my keyboard

*link removed*


(Edited by Life in the UK Admin - original submission Sunday, 28 February 2010, 10:51 PM)