15 years ago

Hi Francis,

Any progress yet? Are you planning to break the Home Office's longest reponse record(:

E Fidan


  • francis
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
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15 years ago

Dear Fiden

I don't know what I will do, I have to wait for Home office decision, my legal lawyer sent a letter on 1st of Feb 2010 to Home office regarding my case but still I am waiting for their answer.

with warm regards


  • francis
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
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15 years ago
Dear Sir

I apply for my ILR permanent residenton in UK after I live here 5years in UK and 7th May 2009, I applied my permanent resident in Home Office and the money is been withdrawn from my bank on 15th May 2009.Still I am waiting for my Home Office decision on ILR /PR now going to be nine month on 7th Feb 2010.
If you kindly Pray for me that I can get my Permanent Resident in Uk,
My name is Francis my wife Rebecca and my two sons Seby 8yrs and Shane 4yrs
I will be grateful to you 
