Sorry to hear that you lost your test certificate. There is an option and worth trying. All test centres receive the test from Home Office and they are suppose to report the results also to the Home office. Now this is not definite that they will try to help you but no harm in sending an e-mail to Home office or the Life in The UK test centre to find out what options are their.
You have paid the money to the centre and they also have to keep record of it so I see no reason for them to dig out their record. Unless off course main reason for Home Office to rip-off public and make money(I can write it now because I don't need them any more, I mean Home Office)
Anyway try as much as you can, after all it is your money and test centre will be £34 richer if they can get away with it. make some noise otherwise no one listens.
Edited by user
9 years ago
Reason: Not specified