  • sahmed75
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
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17 years ago
dear sir,

i got married aug 2005 in pakistan. i apply the visa after 6 months. visa has been granted on june 2006. so after then i came to england end of question is this when i can apply ILR in this country.will the home office consider my application when i got merriege on aug 2005 or when i came to this country. and what kind of documents i need to apply for ILR.

Thank you very much

17 years ago
Dear Shakeel

To apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain in UK, you must be in UK for at least 2 years from the first time you entered the Country, you can't apply before that except you have 28 days to apply before your visa expired. The original document you need it with your application are:

Marriage Certificate
Utility bills such as Electricity, Gas, Phone bills
Home office documents shows your current address
also you have the pay the fees
any documents form official sits such as HM Revenue, Tax etc..

for more information I advice you to log on to the Home office web site

Best wishes
  • sahmed75
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17 years ago

dear j karaki,

thank you very much for you advice i am much appriciate. one more things i have got  bank accounts but i havnt got any bills on my name.will i transfer the bills on my name is that important and i also submit my tax as self employed. and will i need still that documents. what do u recomend.

Thank you

  • malikw
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
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17 years ago

Home office is only concerned with your application date, in your case it is June 2006. There is an unknown rule that they consider the date Visa is stamped and you must apply within two years of that and the give you 28 days window to apply.  So you can apply 28 days before your 2 years visa expires.  You got married in 2005 is only helpfull because you are applying on marriage basis and it looks real marriage.

For you two dates are Important

1. When your Visa was stamped

2. The day you arrived in UK

Once you get ILR, you must complete 3 years of stay in UK and apply for Nationality