13 years ago
Hi there
can i have appointment for teste life in UK.
thanks for help.

13 years ago

So you rang your local council to ask as to when you can ring about making and appointment? So basically you called to find out when you can call...........................

I think you are over worried about all this. Anyway it is way way too early to ask for appointment. Why not just enquire when you actually qualify.Ring around various councils and find out nearer the time which council will give you the quickest appointment, simple.  Filling up naturalisation form should not take more than 20 minutes and it is the simplest and easiest immigration application you can make to UKBA.
13 years ago

Hi there, just looking for some advice or recommendations on NCS.

I qualify for Naturalisation at the end of this year. I am planning on applying through NCS on the off chance that this might speed up my application, although I am an eternal pessimist when it comes to these sorts of things. I called my local council, who offer the service, and asked a lady there when it would be advisable for me to call to book an appointment if I wanted to apply at the end of Dec and she told me that I could only call to book an appointment when I had actually qulaified and then the appointment would most likely be a month or more after that. This seems unreasonable to me as surely it only matters that I qualify on the day of the appointment?! I put that to her and she said 'Sorry, that's just the way it is.'

Has anyone else had this experience or have you been able to book your appointment before you qualified? Also, does anyone have any recommendations of other Boroughs (within Greater London and ideally SW London) that have been helpful and professional?

Thanks in advance for any help.