12 years ago
Thank you very much. This is what I have been waiting for.

11 years ago
In the month of March 2013, Official life in the UK test released the 3rd edition to pass the British citizenship test. Practice UK Citizenship Test 3rd edition and become a UK citizen for permanent settle in United Kingdom. All the best.
11 years ago
Does it mean that people that have passed over a year will retake the test? Looking forward to your response. thanks
11 years ago
No. No one has to take the test again, no matter when they did it.

  • satteshk
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest Topic Starter
11 years ago

Dear All,

There are very speculative information on validity of “Life in the UK
Test”.   However please note that there is no expiry date of this
test once appeared
under Annex E – Chapter 18 - Point: (page 7)
 on below link.

It is confirmed by UKBA that there is no expiry date for this
test!  Hence you can appear anytime

 I'm due for my ILR in March 2013 and I had passed this test in Oct 2011.

Note: There is a new syllabus in
place for life in the UK test from March 2013 with fee of £50.
