19 years ago

Firstly, can I kindly thank Waheed for his support on this website. I'm sure noone thinks your comments are rude, intensive, unethical or stupid.

With regards to language, I think we are sharing common views here even though I do not want to impose any restrictions on how people write their comments. Obviously anything illegal or immoral is always prohibited.

Almost anyone uses this website has got a second language other than English and I have no problem if you would like to keep that (and actually support) as part of your identity. I believe everyone agrees with me on that.

However if all of us starts writing in a different language your voice will only be heard by small number of people. You can always chat with each other in any format you like however this general discussion space is not the right place for this.

Secondly, how do you expect us to monitor your comments if you keep writing in different languages? What if some of those comments are not acceptable for others?

Can I kindly suggest everyone to write in English from now on in this discussion forum and this should conclude the matter. 

Thanks for your support.

E Fidan

19 years ago
Oh well. We got told
19 years ago

I shall hide my face in shame.

  • malikw
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19 years ago
Thank you for saving me.  I was hiding under the desk afraid of all that flame email ciming towards me but people were very nice to me.  Now I can come out and relax.

19 years ago

Although you speak other languages, I am assuming that English is your first language - else, you would not have objected to some people conversing in a language they feel comfortable in. I thought that was what freedom of speech was all about. I know this matter is old and settled, but could not resist posting my comment as I thought it was a bit unfair to take objection. I speak English fluently, but if I were to speak, email, text with anyone who speaks my first language then that is what I'd use - naturally. It has nothing to do with hiding. It is to do with being at ease and comfortable in your communication. I find that a very "western" way of thinking. And say people did have something to hide, why should others care? It is nothing to do with ethics or rudeness, it is to do with being ultra-sensitive and suspicious of things you don't understand.

I do apologize for bringing up a matter that's been settled but could not help myself.



  • malikw
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19 years ago

WOW! You are so brave A Nonymous.  What a great point, wish you had e-mailed me directly, I am not hiding and people do have my e-mail.  I will answer your questions but I need you to send me an e-mail at

I don't want to dig old issues but I think you have something to hide, I also bet your name is not A Nonymous.  Free speech is when you  can say what you believe in not by hiding under some assumed name.
19 years ago

Not disclosing my email and name is to do with my wish for privacy. Gotcha!!!

You seem to read a lot of suspense/thrillers - hence the assumption that people are hiding. Things are not always black or white.... there are shades of gray.

Yes, I have something to hide, people who speak a foreign language have something to hide. It is big conspiracy....

Only teasing!
19 years ago

I thought this issue was done and dusted but here we go again.

I (and as far as I know Waheed too) have not suggested that you should not speak your native language. Besides that, you can speak any language you like. I'm bilingual as any of you on this website and I prefer to speak my native language too. But there is a place and time for everything. All I said was this website is not the place for it.

This website is here for one reason and that is to help each other while preparing for Life in the UK test. We have to use a common language. If you go through the topics we have discussed in this forum you will see many questions answered by the others (most of the credit goes to Waheed here). Do you think this would still be the case if each of us were to use our own language?

If we would like to keep this site live, we have to moderate it too. This may not be an official website by the Home Office however we do use the material with permission. I do not want anything that may jeopardize it.

Finally, we may be ultra-sensitive and suspicious as you suggested however I do not understand why you you would like to post comments to this website which you actually want to hide?

E Fidan

  • malikw
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19 years ago
Well said Fidan.

As for A Nonymous, I really don't have anything to hid or anything in shades of gray. Please feel free to e-mail me. I do think that E Fidan has given a reply that I agree 100% so further discussion is really useless.

But thank you for educating me that there is a gray shades of free speach.

take care
  • malikw
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19 years ago

Tell me if I am

  • Rude
  • Insensitive
  • Unethical
  • Or just plain
    stupid not to understand other languages.

When I came on this site, I believed we all
have one common purpose, to get help on Citizenship test.  I do speak
Japanese and several Indo-Pakistani Languages and if I start discussion on
those languages then I believe I will miss the main purpose of this site and
some visitors to this site will be alienated. I will also be unethical and rude
to them as we have one common language English, which everyone understand and use.
If they don?t then I am not sure what they are doing here.

I am not a moderator of this site to ask someone to use their own common sense
but I can ask them why they are using something that is not a common to this

When you use a language other then English
than I feel that someone is trying to hide something from me and if that is the
case then I certainly don?t want to come to the site where there is a secret.

I hope I have politely expressed my un-polite
views and people will be more sensitive to other peoples need.