18 years ago

Can you specify where did you exactly see these questions? It is probably in a demo just to show you the question format in the test but these questions will not form part of your test if you take it before April.

Incidently these information are covered in the book in the last chapters about "every day use" or something along that line because I dont have the book with me now.

Just disregard every thing else if you are taking the test before April learn what is covered in this site and rest assured you will do well.

Good luck


  • dhaleelah
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18 years ago

Hi Alos Ahmed

Thanks alot for the reply.Im not sure which website i saw those question but i came across in 2 places i was searching for free like in the uk test questions n saw these kinda questions.

I am planning to book an appointment for the test on monday inshallah.

I can apply for naturalisation only in August 2007 but wanna finish the test soon.


  • dhaleelah
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest Topic Starter
18 years ago

hi everyone,

I have come across few questions that are related to what will u do if u spill beer on someone?

what number will u call in emergency like 999 112

n some more questions like that. PG stands for rating in cinemas according to the book

which chapter covers all these?

please help

  • malikw
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
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18 years ago

If people stop making things up, it will be easier on everyone. If home office says that the questions will be from Chapters 2, 3 and 4 then common sense says that it will be from those chapters.  Anything else should always comes with reference. I have seen many things that people will make up and post in this site but they fail to provide reference. I strongly suggest that whenyou are posting such things, please provide reference.

Some of these questions were from the pilot program that were listed on the UK Test Web site and some questions were part of the practice questions on the testing computer, when you are about to take the test.

Finally the question that counts are part of chapter 2, 3 and 4 anything other then these chapters is not part of the testing. So until April, please do not worry about "HEAR SAY" and just prepare from Chapters 2, 3 and 4 unless Home Office comes up with something different.