18 years ago

Hi Waheed

I will be surprised if someone who practiced the questions in this site and correctly answered these questions or revised from this site the answers he got wrong fails the test. The test questions does not differ from the ones on here one bit.




  • malikw
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18 years ago

Thank you for your feedback. Everyone to pass will be great and we are hoping that is true.  Not only we want everyone to pass but we want them to pass first time. However, if someone failed by preparing on their own or through this or another site, I would appreciate their comments and feedback on how they have improved it. Just so we can improve on what might be missing. Hopefully, we will never receive such a post but I think there should always be room for such feedback.


18 years ago

Thanks very much for your effort Waheed and thank you Alos for your nice comments.

Whilst positive feedback keeps us going, suggestions to improve the site will help us better serve the newcomers. That's why we have a comments and suggestions forum. However, we do not have any suggestions so far and it is either because everyone is passing the test on their first attempt or people are not bothered as this is a free service.

I'll welcome anyone who would like to suggest how we can improve the site. The content will be changing together with the questions when the new book is released and this can be a good time to revise.

E Fidan

18 years ago

Thank you E Fidan. You did an excellent job. It nice to see there are still good people around that dont do anything unless they are paid for it.

Having said that I have noticed when I was preparing for the test that the question banks on each section were fixed. Just as they would be in any text book. Once you answered them they were still the same question over and over again. Although that does not devaluate their importance in preparing you for the test, it eliminates the element of "surprise" or the " unknown" if you would like.

If the questions are chosen rondomly from a bank by the system when you practice, they will differ from the ones you took last session and you would not be able to predict what is the next question and answer.

I am not expert in web designs and I am not sure of the effort it needs to create a dynamic set of question banks, but that would definately improve the learing value.



18 years ago
 I sat on the test three days ago with my husband and we both passed it. We over-used your website and the quizzes, and I think it is one of the reason why we were successful. However, may I suggest a couple of things to improve the quizzes on the website?

First of all, I found the real test slightly more difficult in terms of the wording for some of the questions (such as double-negatives). Therefore, it might be a good idea to have such questions.

Second of all, when attempting the quizzes for the first time, I often lowered my grade by not noticing that I should have selected two answers. However, in the real test it is explicitly told how many answers they expect you to select. Therefore, the format of the question could be adapted to be more similar to the real test (e.g., which TWO countries.....).

Of course, these are very minor things and I do think that the actual quizzes are more than helful and they obviously help people in passing the test. However, it is a shame that so few know about it (in our test centre, we were the only one to know about the site - we did even do some publicity in the waiting room).

This website is great, Thanks to the team and the people writing in the forum.

  • malikw
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
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18 years ago

If someone failed after taking the test.

We always hear and receive good news that everyone passed.  AND WE STILL DO BUT MUCH MORE IMPORTANT IS IF SOMEONE FAILED. This will be main thing which will really improve this site. I am not trying to single out anyone but if we can collect the data of unsuccessful candidate, we will be able to improve this site more.  It will even be better if someone failed and we get their own experience how they improved themselves. I was able to pass my test first time when there was only one chapter on this site.

I admit that I failed my UK driving test 4 times even though I had been driving in USA for over 20 years (Bad habits were to blame.)

I am not sure if Admin can setup another forum where people can leave their feedback anonymously.  I think it is very important that we get feed back from people who attempted but did not pass. To me every one is anonymous until I meet with them and then put their face to the user name they are using.

I hope people will respond to this feedback.

  • teoroy
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
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18 years ago

Mr. Fidan, I've got a suggestion. On the Quiz part, once one's taken it, can we see all the answers on one webpage instead of having to go through each one of them via separate pages?

(How is that as a suggestion?)

I am answering now as I am planning to pass the test first time;)

Thank you for your efforts!