18 years ago


If you download the SET(O) form from the Home Office Web Site(http://www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk/applying/applicationforms/), it will give you all the information.

It will tell you when you can apply for your ILR (28 days before) and how you can book appointment at the different PEO's at Croydon, Birmingham, Liverpool or Glasgow for your ILR application. You don't need to go to the PEO for the ILR, you can also send your ILR application through post, it is  your choice. You cannot turn up at the PEO for your ILR application, you have to make an appointment.

Regarding Naturalisation, you will need to complete 12 months after you get your ILR before you are eligible for Naturalisation. Does not matter how much time you have spent in the UK on Work Permit before hand, the requiremnets as I remember are that you must complete 12 months after you get ILR to qualify for Naturalization plus the 5 year residency / 3 year residency (for married to British Citizen) requirements.

And since your qualifying period for ILR is after April 2007, you will also need to pass the Life in the UK test 🙂. All the best for that.




  • malikw
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest
18 years ago
Just one little note here that you don't need 12 months of ILR if you are married to a British Citizen. This may not apply to you but others may get awrong information here. You do need to have three years residency if you are applying on marriage basis but not 12 months of ILR, even one day of ILR holder can apply.
18 years ago

do i need to arrange an appointment for my IRL application at croydon or just turn up on the day?

please advice.

i have haerd about long queues i want to avoid