12 years ago

You don't need any advice, You have said everything. You got to wait untill after 5 years starting from when you were given ILR before you can qualify. You have stayed ilegally in the uk which is braking of immigration law. Thats it.


  • hamid
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12 years ago
Thank you.  A hard lesson learnt: research and research before you give money to the HO; they are running a racket.
12 years ago
Sorry, I disagree.
They are not running any rackets of any kind. There is no need to even research. All one has to do is read, and understand simple and plain english. It is people who are stupid and throw away their money.

Come on, how simple could it be?

They clearly state that there should be no breach of immigration laws during the qualifying residential period. But some smart bob, who has been here illegally for 14 years somehow thinks that he belongs to some royal family, and the rules do not apply on him/

Live in cuckooland, loose money.

I feel no sympathy for this kind of smart bobs, who are actually stupid, loosing their money.

12 years ago

Bros I want to ask you 3 questions which have been thinking about.

1= I have passed Life in the uk Test in June 2012 and will apply for Ilr in October 2013. Do I need to take the Test again because of the new changes to the test?

2= When I get british passport, Can I apply for my younger as dependant relative under EU Law?

3= Someone who has been issued a 10 year re entry ban due to fraudulent visitor application last 2 years. Can she apply to join her patner in the uk now? I think she should be excempted based on the house of common debate 30/September/ 2012. What do you think please?

12 years ago

Dear MrLookForward, I have read some of your comment and it seems that you are more enlighted than me on Immigration matters. This forum will help some people to know the truith before paying money to mediocre lawyers.

 I want to ask you 3 questions which have been thinking about.

1= I have passed Life in the uk Test in June 2012 and will apply for Ilr in October 2013. Do I need to take the Test again because of the new changes to the test?

2= When I get british passport, Can I apply for my younger as dependant relative under EU Law?

3= Someone who has been issued a 10 year re entry ban due to fraudulent visitor application submitted last 2 years. Can she apply to join her patner in the uk now? I think she should be excempted based on the house of common debate 30/September/ 2012. What do you think please?

12 years ago

1= I have passed Life in the uk Test in June 2012 and will apply for Ilr in October 2013. Do I need to take the Test again because of the new changes to the test?


2= When I get british passport, Can I apply for my younger as dependant relative under EU Law?


3= Someone who has been issued a 10 year re entry ban due to fraudulent visitor application submitted last 2 years. Can she apply to join her patner in the uk now? I think she should be excempted based on the house of common debate 30/September/ 2012. What do you think please?

She can apply, but will face greater scrutiny. The whole thing will depend of what exactly was the fraudulent deed, and if the present application is genuine without a doubt.

12 years ago
Thank you for the response. 
Back to your response on 3rd question.
She wanted to show that she is earning high salary, so she submitted fake tax clearance document. It is just like UK P60. She was caught and was given 10 years re entry ban. How serious will this affect her application if she want to join her husband who is the father of her baby? Looking forward to your response please.
12 years ago
Your terminology is confusing me.

You said "re entry ban". Does it mean she has been in the UK before and submitted this document in UK, or has she never been in UK before?

Just to make it clear, there is nothing known as "entry ban" or "re entry ban" as such, but that is not the issue.
  • hamid
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12 years ago

I need some advice before the HO swallows my £800 !!

In Jan 2013 - Application for Brit  Citizenship was denied because of alleged breach of immigration laws during the "qualifying period" of residence.

Applicant came to the UK illegally and stayed for 14 years undetected until he applied successfully for ILR under the 14 year rule which was granted in Oct 2011.  

After 12 months Applicant requested but got denied British Citizenship.

HO cited UKBA web site >  Policy and Law > Staff guidance and country information > Nationality instructions > Volume 1 > Chapter 8 > Annex B > paragraph 8.10.

is HO right in denying British citizenship in this case?  HO says he must wait 5 years.

Thank you

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