18 years ago

For your son, I'm sure that six months absence won't make a difference.

If you originally had it in mind that your wife would apply one year after getting ILR, I think you are correct that this wouldn't work - she must not have been outside for for than 90 days in the 12 months leading up to the application. She should wait until she can meet this requirement.

18 years ago

Thanks a lot Pron.

We got PR in November, so I can apply in this November.

My wife came back to UK in April, so can I apply citizenship for her in Jan as she completes 9 months stay in UK?

In December I am planning for vecation, I will be applying for my citizenship in Novemebr, if I get eligibility and date to attend the cermony during my holidays, can I reshedule the dates after I return from my holidays?.

Sorry to ask many questions. I am very much thankful to you for your help.



  • malikw
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18 years ago
Good luck but don't forget that they have other conditions also then just 90 days in last year. If she is applying on 5 years basis you need to make sure of the following:
1. She was not out of UK for more the 450 days in last 5 years
2. She was here 5 years prior to the date she is applying.

I wonder if you become Citizen then will she be able to apply on the basis of Marriage (Three years).  Mr. Pron can you shed some light on this option.
18 years ago
Gosh - there are several permutations here!
  1. Rentala applies for naturalisation in November. Application is granted in (guesstimate) December or January. You then have up to 89 days from the date of the notification letter in which to arrange and participate in a ceremony, at which time you become a British citizen.
  2. "Mrs Rentala" will then be the spouse of a British citizen, and able to apply for naturalisation in April, as soon as she gets to the date when she has not been out of UK for a period of more than 90 days in the year leading up to the application. If she takes this option, she needs to make sure that she was in UK on a day precisely THREE years before the application, and the total number of days she was absent in those three years did not exceed 270.
  3. (The "budget"option). Mr Rentala DOESN'T apply in November. Instead he waits until both he and his wife can meet the FIVE year requirement - in UK 5 years ago, not absent more than 450 days, and not absent more than 90 days in the final 12 months. They then apply for naturalisation together, which gives them a decent discount on the total fees payable.
As a skinflint, I'd go for the budget option!
18 years ago

Waheed & Pron,

Thanks for the help.

1. I am going on holiday for just 3 weeks, so I hope it will not be a problem to arrange for ceremony. Once the application is granted, do they give me an option to arrange the date for ceremony? or they fix the date and I have to change it?.

2. My wife is with me all the years, except that 6 months. At most she may be out of the country for 240 days in 5 years. By jan 2007, she will complete 9 months continueous stay (jan 2006 to jan 2007), so can I apply in Jan , rather than in April.



  • malikw
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18 years ago
Going on Holidays is not a problem.  I went after my ceremony and before I applied for Passport. Just make sure you have all the papers to return the old fashion way, with your native passport.

Home Office Procedure(This happened in my case, others have different experience)
- Home Office will sent you letter of your Citizenship approval. I received two letters about a week apart. First one for the approval and second one for arranging ceremony. When they sent me approval they specifically instructed me not to call my local office of ceremony until I received the invitational letter, which instructed me to call my local council for ceremony.

- You will have to arrange your ceremony within 3 months but you must call within 14 or 15 days to your Local place of ceremony.  Which you can do from anywhere by phone.

Therfore, you have 14 days after you received the letter to arrange the ceremony.  Just make sure there is someone who can check your mail.  I am sure you can ask home office for other option as you are only going for three weeks.

Hope this helps.  This is not the only procedure because I have seen here that some people described different procedure.
18 years ago
Sorry - misread your post - yes, of course it is January, provided that by then she won't have been outside UK for more than 90 days in the previous 12 months.
18 years ago


After geting PR, my son aged 4 years 8 months was out of UK for 6 months. I have been in UK after geting PR and I can apply for citizenship this November. Can I apply for my son also along with my application as he is minor.

I am sure my wife can't apply as she was away from UK for 6 months after getting PR. If I am wrong ,please write to me.




18 years ago


 i am british citiezen. my family got ILR in january. can i apply british passport for them? they are under 18. can i register now for them?