17 years ago

I have encountered both questions on the website and in the materials available from the website. You might have accidentally missed it ;)


Congratulations though :)


17 years ago
What questions did you come across which were not in the book
17 years ago
and what questions did come across which where not in the book.  and what general knowledge questions came up
17 years ago

I passed the exam too. But i found it quite difficult. There are some questions that i did not encounter on the book and on the web site or maybe i just missed it.

  • There is a bureau the change in the post office

  • ? if You can withdraw your child from any or other religous activities in their schools.

I think 50% of the questions where taken from the book and the other half were genenal information so you must be observant.

Thank you very much for the website. More Power. My wife used this web site too. 


From Islington