  • mfidan
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
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19 years ago

The queen is the supreme governer of the church of England, which is equal to Pope in catholics. She appoints senior church officers including the head of the church.

M Fidan

19 years ago

Dear Sir,

I find not clear the text on our book regarding the head of the church, the king installed himself as head of the Church, and the title of Supreme Governor has been held by the King or the Queen ever since. But the Archbishop of Canterbury is also the head of the Church, so who is the head of the church? both, different levels, ???
19 years ago

The Queen is emperor of a nation, while the Acrh Bishop of Canterbury is the Supreme Commander of the Queens forces. This is in milotary tersm but seems more clear. It is also interesting to know that in fact the prime minister carries out most posting to COE positions in Britain.


Lewis Wheeler