14 years ago

Hi Ladies & Gentlemen,

I am due for my ILR in Feb 20th 2010 however there is a major hindrance. I applied for the FLR initially in 2009 and now due for ILR on 20th Feb 2011.All documents are intact but one crucial one is likely to be missing-my wife!!

My wife is acting funny and demanding all her documents we have prior to this appointment cleary showing her intentions not to comply and go ahead with the application with me. No reason for her actions has been given.Only begun on her arrival from holiday and I am satisfied she met somebody and wants us on rocks.We have only been married 2years.(I was planning to go in person but cannot wothout her).

It is clear she wants to end the relationship but we haven't made any final divorce proceedings yet which I think may be a positive sign to my favour.

I am the one seeking to remain and she is British.
Please is there any Lawyer I can contact to help me as I guess I can also switch visa to a different category whilst i am still valid say a student visa else I may have to leave the country which I will in the long run but not prepared now.

Pleas is there any advise for me??? Advise on an Immigration Lawyer or firm or anyone I can talk to to help me through this case will be highly appreciated.

Is there a way I can survive this? Urgent help needed..


