  • malikw
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest
18 years ago

Your post is not very clear.  You said
that you got ILR 1.5 years ago but did not mention how long have you been
living in UK?
or if you came here on the marriage basis or not.  As far as I know 1.5 years is not enough to
get Naturalization so I am assuming you have been here longer then that.

In any case I am assuming that child does
not have to meet the 90 day condition but I would check with home office as
they have some bizarre conditions and usually have their own interpretation.  If you look at the Application form it might
be able to give you some clue as I don?t think they have any part where you
have to specify their absenteeism from UK

18 years ago

Hi Waheed Malik

I am in UK Continuosly 5.5 years now, I have got my PR after 4 years completion and looking for the Naturalisation. Sorry for the conusion in my earlier details.

As per your statement, I belive I will go for my child as well, even he missed some continuos days staying in UK.

It would be very good me to get the ontact number of the home office contact number.

  • malikw
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
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18 years ago
here are the numbers and link I have:

Home Office does maintain support staff to
help you with your questions call and utilize their phone support. Here are

Nationality Division: 0845 010 5200

For Nationalization questions, make sure
you read guidance note as that will answer many questions and you will need to
read that when filling the forms.

For application and Guidance notes:

  • malikw
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest
18 years ago
I receive this e-mail and answered it. I removed the names but kept the contents as this might benefit someone else?s situation. 
Person applying have 2 children age 12 and 17 (will be 18 in September)
> > My eldest is going to turn 18 this Sep. and youngest
> > twins 12 this May.
> > Does my eldest has to do the test or will they
> > automatically be included if
> > I pass their test and do the rest for them.
> > Rate of fee is confusing as well
>I can't answer with so little information but I will
>try to give you the standard criteria used. If you
>apply now then you can include both of your children
>in your application but after September he will need
>to apply by himself and also have to take the test.
>That is assuming he wasn't born here and currently
>have ILR. Your 12 years old can be included in your
>Read this case on the Life in the uk site:
>On the fee question,
>You need to pay 268 for your self and for all your
>children under 18 will be included in onetime fee of
>200. Just check it yourself or ask Home office. here
>is the link on fee schedule:

>Hope this answers your questions.
18 years ago

Hi All,

I am eligible to apply the Naturalisation as me and my family has got the Permanent Residency 1.5 years ago and I am continuosly staying in UK after my permanent Residency, so I am clearly eligible to apply the naturalisation. My question is my family was away from UK in the last 5 months, Sould my son (aged 😎 eligible for the naturalisation (NOT more than 90 days away from UK in the last 12 months will be for the children?)

Your valuable answer is much appreciated. Could you please provide the home office enquiry phone number as well?

Many Thanks.