  • malikw
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • Guest
18 years ago

Hello Ruby:

You have a very good suggestion but I think the administrator has limited resources unless others help. Adding more questions might not be possible because most of the material is covered and don't really need to add more and requirement has not changed. Only three chapters!

AS for the changing question that is only possible if someone wants to volunteer to do that but believe me for a free Web site this is more then enough for everyone to pass.

We need more suggestions like yours to make this site better. Keep them coming.

This is the closest that Mr. Fidan can come up without disclosing real questions(which is against testing requirements). This is just my opinion but Mr. Fidan can answer this himself.


18 years ago
I think we have covered almost everything in the relevant parts of the book. As the content is not changing, it will not be easy to produce new questions.

Having said that, we are open to suggestions. If anyone comes with an alternative (maybe not the content but the format) I'm more than happy to include that too.


E Fidan
18 years ago

Many thanks to wonderful people for this FREE website !

helping each and everyone who wants to pass!!

please try to change or add more new questions.

Would like to know if the question's format is same as in real test?

keep up the good work.