18 years ago

I have just found out if you are going to apply for ILR in 2007 you need to pass 'life in the UK' test. As before,in 2006,you don't need to take this test to apply for ILR. At the moment, i have a unmarried partner visa and i want to apply for ILR in June this year, so is there any other changes for people using form SET(M) to apply for ILR in 2007??

i am really appreciated your help



  • malikw
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18 years ago
Only changes that we know is that you will need to take the test even for ILR but for your status as unmarried partner they may question you if you want to stay unmarried?  I don't think they look at that status very favourably. Then again I ma not sure if they leave room for it, people have the right to use their rules.