  • malikw
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18 years ago

This is not same as we had it before. Home office is changing the rules and new things are coming to light.  If previous rules were applied, your mom had no problems and she could have stayed in UK as long as she like before she can apply for Citizenship.  Now because this test also applies for Settlement then we had little problem.  I am assuming that she still need to apply for her settlement visa but if she doesn't then you really don't have a problem because once she is 65, she will be exempt. It wasn't clear from your post if she is settled and she wants to apply for citizenship.

If your question is for Citizenship, then she is already settled and she can take ESOL classes, which is given free most of the time. I have taught these courses and are very easy for foreigners to understand. She will be able to learn it in few months.

You need to ask Home Office directly if she will be able to qualify for the exemption. here is the text from official web site with phone number:

If you are applying for indefinite leave to remain on or after 1 April 2007, you will either need to take the test or attend combined English language and citizenship classes.

If you are unsure about whether you need to take the test, you can contact the Immigration and Nationality Enquiry Bureau on 0870 606 7766.


  • sahir
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18 years ago

Dear Mr. Waheed Malik.

Many thanks for your response.

My dad will be applying for settlement and being his dependent my mom's passport will also be enclosed for the same.While my dad will have his LIUK test certificate, mom will not, for the reasons I mentioned earlier.So in this case I assume that while Dad will be given ILR, mom will be granted extension. so here I would like to know whether we should ask for her 10 years extension thinking that after 10 years she will be 65 and elgible for settlement! What is your advice pls.

I am also dependent of my father but now above 18 years and I am told that I should apply seperately.

Is this ESOL course taught through Asian language i.e. Urdu/Gujarati?

With due respect n salam.

  • malikw
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
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18 years ago
I am not sure about extension but ESOL course are directed for people who are not familiar with English and most likely the teacher will know Urdu/Hindi.

After your 18th Birthday you are Independent and have to apply separately. Due to culture they do have some exemptions like if you are still in school, which you have to check with a solicitor.


  • sahir
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18 years ago

Thanx a million Mr. Malik.

A great site and you are very kind person.

With warm regards,


13 years ago

hello my name is colin

my wife is Chinese and her English not to good but i have little knowledge of Chinese through going to collage

My wife is having a very hard time in passing the test  but i am considering on enquiring whether she could be exempt from the test, Because I am a war disabled pensioner,  she is not only now my wife but she is my only carer now to help me with my disability,  can you advise please if she could  be exempt from the test.  her 2 yr extension date is soon due

thanks colin

12 years ago
hi mr waheed malik,
my mum is living from 5 years in the uk. she is going to apply for citizenship and she is dependant on my dad(her husband). she is 45 years old. As life in the UK test is needed to apply for citizenship but she wants to exempt the test on disability basis.
She have these illnesses from a long period of time.
She have back pain for about 17 years.
she have a knee cap problem for 8 months
she also have diabetes
She can't walk and it is also harder for her to walk 10-50 yards 
She also uses walking sticks to help her walk.
she also have a disc problem
she also have a severe problem of coccyx(lowest part of backbone) which prevents her from sitting down and standing up
she also need help when she is getting up
She doesn't know English as well.
these all problems prevents her from attending English Language classes
can she be exempted from LIFE IN THE UK TEST? 
Any advice would be appreciated 
Please reply as soon as possible

12 years ago
@ colin stafford
Under the circumstances, she would never be exempted. I am afraid, there is no way out.

12 years ago
@ Yo Zulu

There could be a possiblitly of exemption. But this process is not so easy that you could handle it yourself. Please get professional advice from a competent solicitor, who specialises in immigration law.

Its impossible that you will be able to tackle this matter by just relying on free advice from here and there.

  • sahir
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
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12 years ago

Hello to All,

Kindly advice.

My mom who is 55 and dependent of my Dad is not litrate.We tried hard but she is unable to learn English as she cannot even recognise an alphabets.Is there any way that HO exempts her? She is a house wife and always homebound.

If not exempted what is the maximum period of time we can ask for extension of residence? Can we ask for 10 years?

Would appreciate advice.