17 years ago

30th Jan- NCS appointment, adviced to bring more supporting docs for residency due to loss of passport
15th Feb- supporting docs recieved and sent of to IND
22nd Feb- Acknowledgment letter recieved
28th Feb- Cheque cleared from account
14th Mar- letter dated to me from IND requesting more information
29th Mar- letter of successful application dated
10th Apr- recieved letter via post
19th Apr- Ceremony date from local council
20th Apr- Hopefully apply for passport

Its been a long wait but, i thank GOD


17 years ago

U mentioned'14th Mar- letter dated to me from IND requesting more information', Could u please tell me what type of documents HOME OFFICE asked for?
17 years ago
docs requested for include , pay slips,P60, letter from employers- all this must cover the 5 years period.this was to prove i was in continous service over time,a s stated in my application form.