17 years ago

Hi Guys,

Just in case and if you are confused (I was) and not sure what they meant by " One referee should be a person of professional standing, such as a doctor, a minister of religion, civil servant or a member of a professional body eg accountant or solicitor (but not representing you with this application)"

I called them and they have told me about the full list and it is below:

1- Accountant

2- Director/Manager of a VAT registered Charity

3- Optician

3- Articled clerk of a limited company

4- Director/Manager/Personnel Officer of a VAT registered Company

5- Person with honours (e.g. OBE, MBE etc.)

6- Assurance agent of recognised company

7- Engineer (with professional qualifications)

8- Photographer (professional)

9- Bank/building society official

10- Fire service official

11- Police officer

12- Barrister

13- Funeral director

14- Post Office official

15- British Computer Society (BCS) - Professional grades which are Associate (AMBCS), Member (MBCS), Fellow (FBCS) (PN 25/2003)

16- Insurance agent (full time) of a recognised company

17- President/Secretary of a recognised organisation

18- Broker

19- Journalist

20- Salvation Army officer

21- Chairman/director of limited company

22- Justice of the Peace

23- Social worker

24- Chemist

25- Legal secretary (members and fellows of the Institute of legal secretaries)

26- Solicitor

27- Chiropodist

28- Local government officer

29- Surveyor

30- Christian Science practitioner

31- Manager/Personnel officer (of limited company)

32- Teacher, lecturer

33- Commissioner for oaths

34- Member of Parliament

35- Trade union officer

36- Councillor: local or county

37- Merchant Navy officer

38- Travel agency (qualified)

39- Civil servant (permanent)

40- Minister of a recognised religion

41- Valuers and auctioneers (fellow and associate members of the incorporated society)

42- Dentist

43- Nurse (SRN and SEN)

44- Warrant officers and Chief Petty Officers

45- Designated Premises Supervisors

46- Officer of the armed services (active or retired)

I hope some of you would find that helpful

