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16 years ago

Hi members,

I'm about to fill FORM AN and MN1. I have a family of 6 including my older son who is over 18 I know I have to pay £655.00 for him, my wife and I have to pay £735.00 for both of us and £400.00 for my other 3 children they are under 18.

I have to fill application form for everyone how am I going to put fee amount on individual FORM exact amount of money for both of us and my 3 children as there is discount for partner and children, or should I put on my form full amount for both of us and leave my wife's blank or should I put discounted amount on both forms and on my childre's forms as well. Well guys as you know HO they are very quick to refuse and callect money.

Any advice will be appreciated.

Many Thanks
