15 years ago

Can I kindly ask you to stop re-posting the same message. If anyone has an answer for your query they will share it regardless of how many times your message appears in the forum.


E Fidan

15 years ago

Dear Sir

I applied for ILR and the money is been withdrawn from my bank . How long does the Home Office take to give decision . Another thing if the Company redundant me and sent my work permit to Home Office if there any problem to get my ILR because more than two months no reply from Home Office and I am still waiting for my ILR

If you kindly help me in this matter, I will be grateful to you
15 years ago
Hi Albert,regarding your application for ILR in United Kingdom,the application processing time could take up to 6 months at home Office and regarding your employer that redundant you,if you have lived in UK for 5years based on legal residence,so your application for ILR will be successful and it does not matter that your employer redundant you as it is normal happening at present because of the economic crisis and many persons lost their jobs.Good luck,Albert.
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