15 years ago

Please do not cross post, it is more likely to be ignored.

Do you mean you and your wife are both nationals of an EU country? Why do you want to be naturalised?

Your wife and your child are your dependents and their status will be based on yours.

E Fidan

15 years ago

My advice is for you to just apply with your wife and children as your dependents. Although she does not work she can use her bank account details to show she has been here for the past 6 years.

I am also from a EEA country, and I applied for naturalisation. It took them less than 1 month to consider and I am having my naturalisation ceremony this month.

Go ahead. But if you are in doubt go to a the Community Law Services, they offrer free advice and may help you. Also, if you apply use the county council service becuase they will photocpy all your documents and you don't need to send anything.
15 years ago
thnks 4 yr advice but the problem is my wife do not have a bank account till 2007 but have joint tax credit award letter and as u know when u enter in the uk airport the dont stamp ( arrival stamp ) on eea passport so what should i do that case?
15 years ago
hi im eu national and came to uk 13/05 /2004 shall i apply citizenship or not? on uk border website for eu national residence requirment is for five years but when i phoned home office advisor told me 5+1 year im confused plese help.....
15 years ago
My wife was in a same situation, and the best prove that
she was for >5 years resident in the UK was a letter from
our GP (or dentist) that confirms she was registered with
them for >5 years and made regular visits. This form of
letter is accepted by the UKBA as prove of >5 years stay
in the UK.

In regards to when to apply for British nationalitym as an EU
national, you need to have worked for 5 years in the UK.
You get an automatic PR (Perminant Residance) in the UK
(No need to have a PR stamped on the passport).
Then you need to be living in the UK for another 12 months
with the PR status, this means 5year +1 = 6 years.
Som as an EU citizen that lived and worked in the UK for
6 years and have prove of the last 6 years P11 slips, then
you can apply.

Hope this helps.
15 years ago

  • hi, Mohammed Ali but the problem is we move round in uk i mean we maximum stayed at one address about 2 years, gp is not going to confirm that she came for regular visit in past five years..... please help

15 years ago
Hello Jats Bhats,
As I said before, since your wife does not work, so she does
not have any P60 to prove her stay in the UK for >5 years,
then she needs to convince the UKBA that she has been
resident in the UK for >5 years and the only papers they
accept are (one of them):
- Confirmation Letter from GP(s) (all the GP that you have been registered with in different places).
- Same from Dentist.
- Confirmation letter from the local Counsil Tax office(s)
- Letter from Educational Institution, if she has attended these

But ask a legal advice to be 100% sure.

Hope this helps

15 years ago
me n my wife and my 4 year old child are from a EEA national. we woule like to apply for naturalisation as a british citizen as a joint aplication. but the problem is my wife is never worked in this country,she is a house wife. although she has a bank acc, N.I. number card and child tax credit paid in to her account. so she does need to have a p60 for last 5 years to prove that she was here for 5 years? or she is my dependent? im working in fulltime in uk and i have a last 6 year p60,last 6months bank statement,pay slips and everything........please help...
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15 years ago

Hi, I would like to apply for naturalisation, I am non eea national married to EEA national, we were issued a 5 year residence, then we applied for Permanent residence (although the status is obtained automatically) we were issued with with permanent residence 15 months later due to their delays. Now me the non eea national I would like to apply for naturalisation: My question is: What documents do I need to submit in support of my application for naturalisation as a non-eea national, is my payslips, bills etc which are relevant to my name enough or do I need also to prove again that my EEA wife has been exersising treaty rights - because we just proved to them and waited for our documents 15 months, thats why they offered us the permanent residence in the first place. So do I need to submit again treaty rights evidence for my wife or only for me?

Thank you if you can help